Green Light Journeys: Episode 1/The List

Welcome to my new retirement blog, called Green Light Journeys. My reboot began on March 25, 2022, the first day of the rest of my retirement. I’d thought about retiring for some months, deep thoughts in fact. The first thing on the retirement to do list, of course, is to put your financial stability in place. The rest is the fun stuff.

Figuring out what to do with the second half of your life, defined by you, is the next step. So, I made out the ubiquitous bucket list. Bucket lists are everywhere and have even become somewhat of a joke. But, I used the act of making out the list as an important tool to help figure out some important questions. What have I always wanted to accomplish? What do I want to see and experience in person? What activities or skills do I want to learn and try? Use the list to help clarify your dreams, define your passions and interests. To get started you can go online and review numerous types of bucket lists. Some of these are targeted, some are everything from A to Z, and some are 1,000 things to do before you die.

Getting back to your list, remind yourself to not edit the list, to not limit yourself. Like brainstorming, anything from the practical to the crazy is worth consideration. Take your time to develop the list, but remember that items can always be added to and deleted. And, it doesn’t have to include skydiving or running with the bulls in Pamplona. The list just needs to be absolutely you. Feel free to write down your passions. After all, it’s your choice to share it or not. No one needs to see it but you. You may be surprised at the themes that develop. What subjects resonate with you? What seems particularly exciting at this time? For me, I found definite themes like food, travel, and art. Not surprising since I had a 45-year career as a graphic designer and art director, and my fondest hobby is cooking. Also, no surprise that I love to travel. Those themes rang out loud and clear on my list.

Good luck and have fun comprising your own bucket list. And, stay tuned for Green Light Journeys: Episode 2.